Tuesday 5 February 2013


Symmetrical Balance
With symmetrical balance, a line in the middle, whether visible or not is made. with these two examples, we see a clear break in elements between the boy and girl in the first poster and a not so obvious break in the second one.

Asymmetrical Balance
Asymmetrical balance uses the advantage of differing elements whether in shape or colour to show contrast between the elements. In the Paranormal Activity poster, a contrast is set with the use of the older and younger sister standing side by side. In the middle of the poster there is the camera which shows the point in which the poster is split into two parts. With the Mean Girls poster on the other hand, the contrast is made with putting the character that Lindsey Lohan portrays in front of the other girls, showing importance for the character.

Radial Balance
with a radial balance, a point is taken, usually in the middle and distributed equally to form a circular form. with the first poster, the point of origin is the exact middle with the family's heads and bodies making up the entirety of the poster. With the second poster, it combines symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial balances, but using a point that is lower down, around where the "N" in Panda lies.

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